
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Introducing the Smash CT

Becky Hopkins

Hi everyone! My name is Becky. I live on the South Coast of New South Wales in Australia with my hubby and three children - Ellie, 6, Kahlei, 4 and Jasper, 2. 
I am a stay at home mum, blogger at, wannabe writer and photographer, 'retired' digiscrap designer (that lasted all of, like, two months) and I am utterly obsessed with art journaling and SMASHing. 
While I have known about SMASH books for ever, I thought I didn't need one and now I have three and am stalking stores which sell them as I need more! 
I am looking forward to participating on this team!

Candice Watson 

Hi, I'm Candice! I'm originally from North Carolina, but I currently live in Texas. I've always collected notes and mementos from my life, and I've kept a written journal since I was nine years old, but I've only gotten somewhat serious about scrapbooking within the past year. I heard about Smash books in 2011, but I didn't get my first one until the following summer. Since then, I've more or less filled two books, and am semi-constantly working on at least two books at a time. I have a blog (, where I aggregate some of the best Smash pages on Tumblr.

Karyn Schultz 

Hi! My name is Karyn and I love papercrafts! It started about 10 years ago when I went to my first scrapbooking class. Then I found all the amazing stamps and images and started cardmaking and colouring using Copics, Prismacolor pencils and watercolouring. About 18 months ago I heard about SMASH* books and got hooked on the whole SMASH*ing phenomena (I just love the no-rules freedom of SMASH*ing). Most recently I have taken a few mixed media classes and now I love to include paints and mists on many of my pages. I live on a farm in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia, Australia with my amazing husband and 2 daughters (aged 5 and 12). We have horses, cows, a cat and lots of kangaroos and koalas! I spend my time being a mum, volunteering, crafting (of course) and running a few small home businesses. My blog is here I'm looking forward to working with you all

Kaitlynne Roil

Hi there,
My name is Kaitlynne, most people call me Kait. I'm married to my lovely hubby Justin and we have a gorgeous 1yr old daughter Iylah. We live on the South Coast near Wollongong and love it here! I've been scrapping for almost 8 years and fairly new to SMASHing, I've been doing that for around 6 months and been hooked ever since! I think my style is clean and simple and mostly fun!
You can check my work out on my blog:

Carol Annanie

Hi my name is Carol and I live in Virginia, USA. 
I am an empty nester and avid crafter. I have been papercrafting since the 90's and have craft room full of supplies to prove it. When I am not smashing you can find me enjoying photography, mix media, reading and spending time with my hubby of 29 years as we travel around the world.
I am excited to join the Creative Team here at Life In Details Challenge Blog. I look
forward to sharing my smashbook pages each month. Please stop by my blog see what I am up to today.

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